Setup for SQL workshop


This workshop is designed to be run on your laptop. First, you will need to download the data we use in the workshop. Then, you need to install some software. After following the instructions on this page, you should have everything you need to participate fully in the workshop!


You can download all of the data used in this workshop by clicking this download link. The file is 206 KB.

Clicking the download link will automatically download all of the files to your default download directory as a single compressed (.zip) file. To expand this file, double click the folder icon in your file navigator application (for Macs, this is the Finder application). The data for this workshop are in the SAFI Survey Results Project available on FigShare, with a CC-BY license available for reuse.

The SAFI Project is a research project looking at farming and irrigation methods used by farmers in Tanzania and Mozambique. This dataset is composed of survey data relating to households and agriculture in Tanzania and Mozambique. The survey form was created using the ODK (Open Data Kit) software via an Excel spreadsheet. This is used to create a form which can be downloaded and displayed (and completed) on an Android smartphone. The results are then sent back to a central server. The server can be used to produce the collected data in both JSON and CSV formats. We will use a sample of the collected data in CSV format throughout this workshop.

For a full description of the data used in this workshop see the data page.


Software Install Manual Available for Description
Spreadsheet program Link Link Linux, MacOS, Windows Spreadsheet program for organizing tabular data.
OpenRefine Link Link Linux, MacOS, Windows  
SQLite Browser Link      

Spreadsheet program



Congratulations! You are now ready for the workshop!