Edinburgh Carpentries

Organising Committee

The organising committee coordinates the delivery of each Edinburgh Carpentry courses.

Current Members

Antonia Mey, School of Chemistry, University of Edinburgh
Bailey Harrington, Strathclyde Institute Of Pharmacy And Biomedical Sciences, University of Strathclyde
Evgenij Belikov, EPCC, University of Edinburgh
Giacomo Peru, SSI/EPCC, University of Edinburgh
Graeme Grimes, IGC, University of Edinburgh
Juan Herrera, EPCC, University of Edinburgh
Lucia Michielin, Centre for data Culture & Society, University of Edinburgh
Mario Antonioletti, SSI/EPCC, University of Edinburgh
Robert Nagy, EPCC, University of Edinburgh
Steven Ford, Institute of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences, University of Stathclyde
Toby Samuels, Research Futures Academy, Heriot-Watt University
Andrzej Romaniuk, EPCC, University of Edinburgh

Previous Members

Steering Committee

The steering committee looks at longer-term strategic aims and sustainability of the Edinburgh Carpentries.
Alyson Meynert MRC University Unit for Human Genetics
David Ferguson Digital Research Services
Edward Wallace School of Biological Sciences, University of Edinburgh
Giacomo Peru EPCC, University of Edinburgh
Lisa Otty Centre for Data, Culture and Society, University of Edinburgh
Neil Chue Hong EPCC, University of Edinburgh
Robin Rice EPCC, University of Edinburgh
Sarah Ames National Libraries of Scotland
Sean McGeever School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Edinburgh
Teresa Ironside Bayes Centre, University of Edinburgh