Manual Pages


Teaching: 5 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • How to use man pages?

  • Use man to display the manual page for a given command.

  • Explain how to read the synopsis of a given command while using man.

  • Search for specific options or flags in the manual page for a given command.

We can get help for any Unix command with the man (short for manual) command. For example, here is the command to look up information on cp:

$ man cp

The output displayed is referred to as the “man page”.

Note, if you are using Git Bash for Windows, man pages are not available. However, you can find them on the Web if you search for a term such as “man cp”. You can also some help from many commands with the --help option, whether using Git Bash and other systems:

$ cp --help

Most man pages contain more information than can fit in one terminal screen.
To help facilitate reading, the man command tries to use a “pager” to move and search through the information screenfull by screenfull. The most common pager is called less. Detailed information is available using man less. less is typically the default pager for Unix systems and other tools may use it for output paging as well.

When less displays a colon ‘:’, we can press the space bar to get the next page, the letter ‘h’ to get help, or the letter ‘q’ to quit.

man’s output is typically complete but concise, as it is designed to be used as a reference rather than a tutorial. Most man pages are divided into sections:

Other sections we might see include AUTHOR, REPORTING BUGS, COPYRIGHT, HISTORY, (known) BUGS, and COMPATIBILITY.

How to Read the Synopsis

Here is the is synopsis for the cp command on Ubuntu Linux:

   cp [OPTION]... [-T] SOURCE DEST

This tells the reader that there are three ways to use the command. Let’s look at the first usage:


[OPTION] means the cp command can be followed by one or more optional flags. We can tell they’re optional because of the square brackets, and we can tell that one or more are welcome because of the ellipsis (…). For example, the fact that [-T] is in square brackets, but after the ellipsis, means that it’s optional, but if it’s used, it must come after all the other options.

SOURCE refers to the source file or directory, and DEST to the destination file or directory. Their precise meanings are explained at the top of the DESCRIPTION section.

The other two usage examples can be read in similar ways. Note that to use the last one, the -t option is mandatory (because it isn’t shown in square brackets).

The DESCRIPTION section starts with a few paragraphs explaining the command and its use, then expands on the possible options one by one.

Finding Help on Specific Options

If we want to skip ahead to the option you’re interested in, we can search for it using the slash key ‘/’. (This isn’t part of the man command: it’s a feature of less.) For example, to find out about -t, we can type /-t and press return. After that, we can use the ‘n’ key to navigate to the next match until we find the detailed information we need:

-t, --target-directory=DIRECTORY
     copy all SOURCE arguments into DIRECTORY

This means that this option has the short form -t and the long form --target-directory and that it takes an argument. Its meaning is to copy all the SOURCE arguments into DIRECTORY.

Limitations of Man Pages

Man pages can be useful for a quick confirmation of how to run a command, but they are not famous for being readable. If you can’t find what you need in the man page— or you can’t understand what you’ve found— try entering “unix command copy file” into your favorite search engine: it will often produce more helpful results.

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Key Points

  • man command displays the manual page for a given command.

  • [OPTION]... means the given command can be followed by one or more optional flags.

  • Flags specified after ellipsis are still optional but must come after all other flags.

  • While inside the manual page,use / followed by your pattern to do interactive searching.