Shell Scripts


Teaching: 30 min
Exercises: 15 min
  • How can I save and re-use commands?

  • Write a shell script that runs a command or series of commands for a fixed set of files.

  • Run a shell script from the command line.

  • Write a shell script that operates on a set of files defined by the user on the command line.

  • Create pipelines that include shell scripts you, and others, have written.

We are finally ready to see what makes the shell such a powerful programming environment. We are going to take the commands we repeat frequently and save them in files so that we can re-run all those operations again later by typing a single command. For historical reasons, a bunch of commands saved in a file is usually called a shell script, but make no mistake: these are actually small programs.

Not only will writing shell scripts make your work faster — you won’t have to retype the same commands over and over again — it will also make it more accurate (fewer chances for typos) and more reproducible. If you come back to your work later (or if someone else finds your work and wants to build on it) you will be able to reproduce the same results simply by running your script, rather than having to remember or retype a long list of commands.

For this example, we’ll agin use the exercise-data/populations directory containing population time series for six species, from the Living Planet Database of the Living Planet Index.

Let’s start by going back to populations/ and creating a new file,, which will become our shell script. Use cd if required, to change to this directory, then pwd to check you are in the right directory. Then:

$ nano

The command nano opens the file within the text editor ‘nano’ (which runs within the shell). If the file does not exist, it will be created. We can use the text editor to directly edit the file – we’ll simply insert the following line:

head -n 10 shark.txt | tail -n 2

This is a variation on the pipe we constructed earlier: it selects lines 9-10 of the file shark.txt. Remember, we are not running it as a command just yet: we are putting the commands in a file.

Then we save the file (Ctrl-O in nano), and exit the text editor (Ctrl-X in nano). Check that the directory populations now contains a file called

Once we have saved the file, we can ask the shell to execute the commands it contains. Our shell is called bash, so we run the following command:

$ bash
19586   Carcharodon_carcharias  0       Dicken_M._L._M._J._Smale_et_al._(2013)._White_sharks_Carcharodon_carcharias_at_Bird_Island_Algoa_Bay_South_Africa._African_Journal_of_Marine_Science_35(2):_175-182     Elasmobranchii  Lamniformes    Lamnidae Carcharodon     carcharias              (Linnaeus_1758) Great_white_shark       Bird_Island_Algoa_Bay_Eastern_Cape      South_Africa    South_Africa    Africa  NULL    NULL    -33.5   25.775554       1       Marine  NULL    NULL   NULL     NULL    Tropical_and_subtropical_Indo-Pacific   Indian_Ocean    Unknown 0       Sightings_per_unit_effort_SPUE_(**hr)   Visual_census   NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL   NULL     NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL   NULL     NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL   NULL     NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL   NULL     NULL    0.225   0.487   0       NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL
19587   Carcharodon_carcharias  0       Ryklief_R._P._A._Pistorius_et_al._(2014)._Spatial_and_seasonal_patterns_in_sighting_rate_and_life-history_composition_of_the_white_shark_Carcharodon_carcharias_at_Mossel_Bay_South_Africa._African_Journal_of_Marine_Science_36(4):_449-453    Elasmobranchii  Lamniformes     Lamnidae        Carcharodon     carcharias     (Linnaeus_1758)  Great_white_shark       Seal_Island_Mossel_Bay_Western_Cape     South_Africa    South_Africa    Africa NULL     NULL    -34.151089      22.119689       1       Marine  NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    Tropical_and_subtropical_Indo-Pacific   Indian_Ocean    Unknown 0       Sightings_per_unit_effort_SPUE_(**hr)   Visual_census_Feb-Dec   NULL   NULL     NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL   NULL     NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL   NULL     NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL   NULL     NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    1.6809  1.0745  2.1702 NULL     NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL

Sure enough, our script’s output is exactly what we would get if we ran that pipeline directly.

Text vs. Whatever

We usually call programs like Microsoft Word or LibreOffice Writer “text editors”, but we need to be a bit more careful when it comes to programming. By default, Microsoft Word uses .docx files to store not only text, but also formatting information about fonts, headings, and so on. This extra information isn’t stored as characters and doesn’t mean anything to tools like head. When editing programs, therefore, you must either use a plain text editor, or be careful to save files as plain text.

What if we want to select lines from an arbitrary file? We could edit each time to change the filename, but that would probably take longer than typing the command out again in the shell and executing it with a new file name. Instead, let’s edit and make it more versatile:

$ nano

Now, within “nano”, replace the text shark.txt with the special variable called $1:

head -n 10 "$1" | tail -n 2

Inside a shell script, $1 means ‘the first filename (or other argument) on the command line’. We can now run our script like this:

$ bash shark.txt
19586   Carcharodon_carcharias  0       Dicken_M._L._M._J._Smale_et_al._(2013)._White_sharks_Carcharodon_carcharias_at_Bird_Island_Algoa_Bay_South_Africa._African_Journal_of_Marine_Science_35(2):_175-182     Elasmobranchii  Lamniformes    Lamnidae Carcharodon     carcharias              (Linnaeus_1758) Great_white_shark       Bird_Island_Algoa_Bay_Eastern_Cape      South_Africa    South_Africa    Africa  NULL    NULL    -33.5   25.775554       1       Marine  NULL    NULL   NULL     NULL    Tropical_and_subtropical_Indo-Pacific   Indian_Ocean    Unknown 0       Sightings_per_unit_effort_SPUE_(**hr)   Visual_census   NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL   NULL     NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL   NULL     NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL   NULL     NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL   NULL     NULL    0.225   0.487   0       NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL
19587   Carcharodon_carcharias  0       Ryklief_R._P._A._Pistorius_et_al._(2014)._Spatial_and_seasonal_patterns_in_sighting_rate_and_life-history_composition_of_the_white_shark_Carcharodon_carcharias_at_Mossel_Bay_South_Africa._African_Journal_of_Marine_Science_36(4):_449-453    Elasmobranchii  Lamniformes     Lamnidae        Carcharodon     carcharias     (Linnaeus_1758)  Great_white_shark       Seal_Island_Mossel_Bay_Western_Cape     South_Africa    South_Africa    Africa NULL     NULL    -34.151089      22.119689       1       Marine  NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    Tropical_and_subtropical_Indo-Pacific   Indian_Ocean    Unknown 0       Sightings_per_unit_effort_SPUE_(**hr)   Visual_census_Feb-Dec   NULL   NULL     NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL   NULL     NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL   NULL     NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL   NULL     NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    1.6809  1.0745  2.1702 NULL     NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL

or on a different file like this:

$ bash toad.txt
9084    Bufo_bufo       0       Cooke_A._S._and_R._S._Oldham_(1995)._Establishment_of_populations_of_the_common_frog_Rana_temporaria_and_common_toad_Bufo_bufo_in_a_newly_created_reserve_following_translocation._Herpetological_Journal_5(1):_173-180.        Amphibia        Anura   Bufonidae       Bufo    bufo    NULL    (Linnaeus_1758) Common_toad     The_Boardwalks_Reserve_north_bank_of_the_River_Nene_near_the_western_edge_of_Peterborough       United_Kingdom  United_Kingdom Europe   Europe_and_Central_Asia Central_and_Western_Europe      52.55444        -0.26444        0       Freshwater     NULL     NULL    Palearctic      Temperate_floodplain_rivers_and_wetlands        NULL    NULL    NULL    0       Peak_total_toad_count   Counts_during_breeding_season   NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL   NULL     NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL   NULL     NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    0       NULL    127    311      181     328     306     NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL   NULL     NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL   NULL     NULL
18832   Bufo_bufo       0       Jedrzejewska_B._et_al._(2002)._Seasonal_dynamics_and_breeding_of_amphibians_in_pristine_forests_(Bialowieza_National_Park_E_Poland)_in_dry_years._Folia_Zoologica_52(1):_77-86. Amphibia        Anura   Bufonidae       Bufo    bufo            (Linnaeus_1758) Common_toad     Oak-hornbeam-lime_forests_Bia?�owie??a_National_Park_East_Poland        Poland  Poland  Europe  Europe_and_Central_Asia Central_and_Western_Europe      52.75   23.916667      Terrestrial      Palearctic      Temperate_broadleaf_and_mixed_forests   NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    0      Number_of_individuals*ha Live_trapping_on_8_30x30m_grids NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL   NULL     NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL   NULL     NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL   NULL     NULL    NULL    NULL    71.5953 45.1319 NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL   NULL     NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL   NULL     NULL    NULL

Double-Quotes Around Arguments

For the same reason that we put the loop variable inside double-quotes, in case the filename happens to contain any spaces, we surround $1 with double-quotes.

Currently, we need to edit each time we want to adjust the range of lines that is returned. Let’s fix that by configuring our script to instead use three command-line arguments. Each additional argument that we provide will be accessible via the special variables $1, $2, $3, which refer to the first, second, third command-line arguments, respectively.

Knowing this, we can use additional arguments to define the range of lines to be passed to head and tail respectively:

$ nano
head -n "$2" "$1" | tail -n "$3"

We can now run:

$ bash shark.txt 10 2
19586   Carcharodon_carcharias  0       Dicken_M._L._M._J._Smale_et_al._(2013)._White_sharks_Carcharodon_carcharias_at_Bird_Island_Algoa_Bay_South_Africa._African_Journal_of_Marine_Science_35(2):_175-182     Elasmobranchii  Lamniformes    Lamnidae Carcharodon     carcharias              (Linnaeus_1758) Great_white_shark       Bird_Island_Algoa_Bay_Eastern_Cape      South_Africa    South_Africa    Africa  NULL    NULL    -33.5   25.775554       1       Marine  NULL    NULL   NULL     NULL    Tropical_and_subtropical_Indo-Pacific   Indian_Ocean    Unknown 0       Sightings_per_unit_effort_SPUE_(**hr)   Visual_census   NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL   NULL     NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL   NULL     NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL   NULL     NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL   NULL     NULL    0.225   0.487   0       NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL
19587   Carcharodon_carcharias  0       Ryklief_R._P._A._Pistorius_et_al._(2014)._Spatial_and_seasonal_patterns_in_sighting_rate_and_life-history_composition_of_the_white_shark_Carcharodon_carcharias_at_Mossel_Bay_South_Africa._African_Journal_of_Marine_Science_36(4):_449-453    Elasmobranchii  Lamniformes     Lamnidae        Carcharodon     carcharias     (Linnaeus_1758)  Great_white_shark       Seal_Island_Mossel_Bay_Western_Cape     South_Africa    South_Africa    Africa NULL     NULL    -34.151089      22.119689       1       Marine  NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    Tropical_and_subtropical_Indo-Pacific   Indian_Ocean    Unknown 0       Sightings_per_unit_effort_SPUE_(**hr)   Visual_census_Feb-Dec   NULL   NULL     NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL   NULL     NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL   NULL     NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL   NULL     NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    1.6809  1.0745  2.1702 NULL     NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL

By changing the arguments to our command we can change our script’s behaviour:

$ bash shark.txt 4 3
7701    Carcharodon_carcharias  0       Dudley_S._F._J._(2002)._Shark_Catch_Trends_and_Effort_Reduction_in_the_Beach_Protection_Program_KwaZulu-Natal_South_Africa._SCIENTIFIC_COUNCIL_MEETING_-_SEPTEMBER_2002_NAFO._*_Dudley_S._F._J._and_C._A._Simpfendorfer_(2006)._Population_status_of_14_shark_species_caught_in_the_protective_gillnets_off_KwaZulu-Natal_beaches_South_Africa_1978-2003._Marine_and_Freshwater_Research_57:_225-240.   Elasmobranchii  Lamniformes     Lamnidae       Carcharodon      carcharias              (Linnaeus_1758) Great_white_shark       Beaches_of_KwaZulu-Natal_province_South_Africa  South_Africa    South_Africa    Africa  NULL    NULL    -29.25  33.08333        0       Marine  NULL    NULL   NULL     NULL    Tropical_and_subtropical_Indo-Pacific   Indian_Ocean    Unknown 0       number*km-net_year      shark_net_catch_rates   NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL   NULL     NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL   1.8      1.6     1.4     0.9     0.6     0.6     1.4     1.1     0.75    0.7     0.9     1.4     0.9     0.5     0.7    0.9      1.12    1.19    0.99    0.65    0.25    1.1     0.55    0.65    0.87    1.37    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL   NULL     NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL
9057    Carcharodon_carcharias  1       Cliff_G._S._F._J._Dudley_et_al._(1996)._Catches_of_white_sharks_in_KwaZulu-Natal_South_Africa_and_environmental_influences._Great_white_sharks:_the_biology_of_Carcharodon_carcharias._A._P._Klimley_and_D._G._Ainley:_351-362. Elasmobranchii  Lamniformes     Lamnidae        Carcharodon     carcharias      NULL    (Linnaeus_1758) Great_white_shark       Natal_Coast_South_Africa        South_Africa    South_Africa    Africa  NULL    NULL   -31.71667        30.38333        0       Marine  NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    Tropical_and_subtropical_Indo-Pacific  Indian_Ocean     Unknown 0       CPUE_(no.*km-net*yr)    Shark_nets      NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL   NULL     NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    3.9     1.9     3.5     1.3     0.9    0.6      0.3     1.8     1.1     1.5     1.7     0.9     2.2     1.8     1.3     0.7     0.6     0.4     1.5     1.2    0.7      0.8     1       1.5     1       0.8     1.6     1.8     NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL   NULL     NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL   NULL     NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL
9058    Carcharodon_carcharias  0       Cliff_G._S._F._J._Dudley_et_al._(1996)._Catches_of_white_sharks_in_KwaZulu-Natal_South_Africa_and_environmental_influences._Great_white_sharks:_the_biology_of_Carcharodon_carcharias._A._P._Klimley_and_D._G._Ainley:_351-362. Elasmobranchii  Lamniformes     Lamnidae        Carcharodon     carcharias      NULL    (Linnaeus_1758) Great_white_shark       Richards_Bay_South_Africa       South_Africa    South_Africa    Africa  NULL    NULL   -28.85   32.23333        0       Marine  NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    Tropical_and_subtropical_Indo-Pacific   Indian_Ocean    Unknown 0       CPUE_(no.*km-net*yr)    Shark_nets      NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL   NULL     NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL   NULL     NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    5.2     3.5     1.5     2       2       2       1.1    1.8      3.2     1.4     0.5     1.1     2.9     NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL   NULL     NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL   NULL     NULL    NULL

This works, but it may take the next person who reads a moment to figure out what it does. We can improve our script by adding some comments at the top:

$ nano
# Select lines from the middle of a file.
# Usage: bash filename end_line num_lines
head -n "$2" "$1" | tail -n "$3"

A comment starts with a # character and runs to the end of the line. The computer ignores comments, but they’re invaluable for helping people (including your future self) understand and use scripts. The only caveat is that each time you modify the script, you should check that the comment is still accurate: an explanation that sends the reader in the wrong direction is worse than none at all.

What if we want to process many files in a single pipeline? For example, if we want to sort our .txt files by length, we would type:

$ wc -l *.txt | sort -n

because wc -l lists the number of lines in the files (recall that wc stands for ‘word count’, adding the -l option means ‘count lines’ instead) and sort -n sorts things numerically. We could put this in a file, but then it would only ever sort a list of .txt files in the current directory. If we want to be able to get a sorted list of other kinds of files, we need a way to get all those names into the script. We can’t use $1, $2, and so on because we don’t know how many files there are. Instead, we use the special variable $@, which means, ‘All of the command-line arguments to the shell script’. We also should put $@ inside double-quotes to handle the case of arguments containing spaces ("$@" is special syntax and is equivalent to "$1" "$2" …).

Here’s an example:

$ nano
# Sort files by their length.
# Usage: bash one_or_more_filenames
wc -l "$@" | sort -n
$ bash *.txt ../numbers.txt
    1 python.txt
    3 bowerbird.txt
    4 wildcat.txt
    5 ../numbers.txt
   11 dunnock.txt
   18 shark.txt
   20 toad.txt
   62 total

List Unique Species

Remember, you can see the column headings for our population time series files as follows:

$ head -n 1 six-species.csv

Count manually to confirm that “Binomial” (the binomial species name) is the second column, and “Country” is the 15th column and “System” is the 22nd column.

We can use the command cut -f 2,14,22 shark.txt | sort | uniq to display the unique combinations of species, country and system in shark.txt. (Note, the columns appear ragged due to the positioning of tab stops. But all the data are there.) In order to avoid having to type out this series of commands every time, a scientist may choose to write a shell script instead.

Write a shell script called that takes any number of filenames as command-line arguments, and uses a variation of the above command to print a list of the unique species appearing in each of those files separately.


# Script to find unique combinations of species, country and
# system in tab-delimited text files where the data are in
# columns 2, 14 and 22.
# This script accepts any number of file names as command line arguments.

# Loop over all files
for file in $@
   echo "Unique combinations of species, country and system within $file:"
   # Extract binomial species names, countries and systems
   cut -f 2,14,22 $file | sort | uniq

Suppose we have just run a series of commands that did something useful — for example, that created a graph we’d like to use in a paper. We’d like to be able to re-create the graph later if we need to, so we want to save the commands in a file. Instead of typing them in again (and potentially getting them wrong) we can do this:

$ history | tail -n 5 >

Depending on which commands we have typed recently, the file might now contain:

297 bash NENE01729B.txt stats-NENE01729B.txt
298 bash stats-NENE01729B.txt /data/validated/01729.txt > 01729-differences.txt
299 cut -d ',' -f 2-3 01729-differences.txt > 01729-time-series.txt
300 ygraph --format scatter --color bw --borders none 01729-time-series.txt figure-3.png
301 history | tail -n 5 >

After a moment’s work in an editor to remove the serial numbers on the commands, and to remove the final line where we called the history command, we have a completely accurate record of how we created that figure.

Why Record Commands in the History Before Running Them?

If you run the command:

$ history | tail -n 5 >

the last command in the file is the history command itself, i.e., the shell has added history to the command log before actually running it. In fact, the shell always adds commands to the log before running them. Why do you think it does this?


If a command causes something to crash or hang, it might be useful to know what that command was, in order to investigate the problem. Were the command only be recorded after running it, we would not have a record of the last command run in the event of a crash.

In practice, most people develop shell scripts by running commands at the shell prompt a few times to make sure they’re doing the right thing, then saving them in a file for re-use. This style of work allows people to recycle what they discover about their data and their workflow with one call to history and a bit of editing to clean up the output and save it as a shell script.

Variables in Shell Scripts

In the populations directory, imagine you have a shell script called containing the following commands:

head -n $2 $1
tail -n $3 $1

While you are in the populations directory, you type the following command:

$ bash '*.txt' 1 1

Which of the following outputs would you expect to see?

  1. All of the lines between the first and the last lines of each file ending in .txt in the populations directory
  2. The first of each file ending in .txt in the populations directory, followed by the last line of each such file
  3. The first and the last line of each file in the populations directory
  4. An error because of the quotes around *.txt


The correct answer is 2.

The special variables $1, $2 and $3 represent the command line arguments given to the script, such that the commands run are:

$ head -n 1 bowerbird.txt  dunnock.txt  python.txt  shark.txt  toad.txt  wildcat.txt
$ tail -n 1 bowerbird.txt  dunnock.txt  python.txt  shark.txt  toad.txt  wildcat.txt

The shell does not expand '*.pdb' because it is enclosed by quote marks. As such, the first argument to the script is '*.txt' which gets expanded within the script by head and tail.

Note, python.txt only contains a single line, so for this file the line is output twice (being both the first line and the last line.)

Find the Longest File With a Given Extension

Write a shell script called that takes the name of a directory and a filename extension as its arguments, and prints out the name of the file with the most lines in that directory with that extension. For example:

$ bash shell-lesson-data/exercise-data/populations txt

would print the name of the .txt file in shell-lesson-data/exercise-data/populations that has the most lines.

Feel free to test your script on another directory e.g.

$ bash shell-lesson-data/exercise-data/writing txt


# Shell script which takes two arguments:
#    1. a directory name
#    2. a file extension
# and prints the name of the file in that directory
# with the most lines which matches the file extension.

wc -l $1/*.$2 | sort -g | tail -n 2 | head -n 1

The first part of the pipeline, wc -l $1/*.$2 | sort -g, counts the lines in each file and sorts them numerically (largest last). When there’s more than one file, wc also outputs a final summary line, giving the total number of lines across all files. We use tail -n 2 | head -n 1 to throw away this last line.

With wc -l $1/*.$2 | sort -n | tail -n 1 we’ll see the final summary line: we can build our pipeline up in pieces to be sure we understand the output.

Script Reading Comprehension

For this question, consider the shell-lesson-data/exercise-data/populations directory once again. This contains a number of files containing population time series data, in addition to any other files you may have created. Explain what each of the following three scripts would do when run as bash *.txt, bash *.txt, and bash *.txt respectively.

# Script 1
echo *.*
# Script 2
for filename in $1 $2 $3
    cat $filename
# Script 3
echo $@.txt


In each case, the shell expands the wildcard in *.txt before passing the resulting list of file names as arguments to the script.

Script 1 would print out a list of all files containing a dot in their name. The arguments passed to the script are not actually used anywhere in the script.

Script 2 would print the contents of the first 3 files with a .txt file extension. $1, $2, and $3 refer to the first, second, and third argument respectively.

Script 3 would print all the arguments to the script (i.e. all the .txt files), followed by .txt. $@ refers to all the arguments given to a shell script.

bowerbird.txt dunnock.txt python.txt script.txt shark.txt toad.txt wildcat.txt.txt

Debugging Scripts

Suppose you have saved the following script in a file called in Phillipa’s north-pacific-gyre/scripts directory:

# Calculate stats for data files.
for datafile in "$@"
    echo $datfile
    bash $datafile stats-$datafile

When you run it from the north-pacific-gyre directory:

$ bash NENE*A.txt NENE*B.txt

the output is blank. To figure out why, re-run the script using the -x option:

$ bash -x NENE*A.txt NENE*B.txt

What is the output showing you? Which line is responsible for the error?


The -x option causes bash to run in debug mode. This prints out each command as it is run, which will help you to locate errors. In this example, we can see that echo isn’t printing anything. We have made a typo in the loop variable name, and the variable datfile doesn’t exist, hence returning an empty string.

Key Points

  • Save commands in files (usually called shell scripts) for re-use.

  • bash [filename] runs the commands saved in a file.

  • $@ refers to all of a shell script’s command-line arguments.

  • $1, $2, etc., refer to the first command-line argument, the second command-line argument, etc.

  • Place variables in quotes if the values might have spaces in them.

  • Letting users decide what files to process is more flexible and more consistent with built-in Unix commands.