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Introduction to Conda for (Data) Scientists: Glossary

Key Points

Getting Started with Conda
  • Conda is a platform agnostic, open source package and environment management system.

  • Using a package and environment management tool facilitates portability and reproducibility of (data) science workflows.

  • Conda solves both the package and environment management problems and targets multiple programming languages. Other open source tools solve either one or the other, or target only a particular programming language.

  • Anaconda is not only for Python

Working with Environments
  • A Conda environment is a directory that contains a specific collection of Conda packages that you have installed.

  • You create (remove) a new environment using the conda create (conda remove) commands.

  • You activate (deactivate) an environment using the conda activate (conda deactivate) commands.

  • You install packages into environments using conda install; you install packages into an active environment using pip install.

  • You should install each environment as a sub-directory inside its corresponding project directory

  • Use the conda env list command to list existing environments and their respective locations.

  • Use the conda list command to list all of the packages installed in an environment.

Using Packages and Channels
  • A package is a tarball containing system-level libraries, Python or other modules, executable programs and other components, and associated metadata.

  • A Conda channel is a URL to a directory containing a Conda package(s).

  • You can specific a conda channel using the option --channel or add it to your .condarc

  • If a python package isn’t available on a conda channel you can install it into your environment using the python package installer pip.

Sharing Environments
  • Sharing Conda environments with other researchers facilitates the reproducibility of your research.

  • Conda environment files ,environment.yml, describes your project’s software environment.

Configuring Conda
  • The .condarc is an optional configuration file that stores custom conda setting.

  • You can use the conda config subcommand to add, set or remove configuration setting in the .condarc file.

  • You can also edit the contents of the .condarc file directly using a text editor.
