This lesson is being piloted (Beta version)

Indexing, Slicing and Subsetting DataFrames in Python


Teaching: 30 min
Exercises: 30 min
  • How can I access specific data within my data set?

  • How can Python and Pandas help me to analyse my data?

  • Describe what 0-based indexing is.

  • Manipulate and extract data using column headings and index locations.

  • Employ slicing to select sets of data from a DataFrame.

  • Employ label and integer-based indexing to select ranges of data in a dataframe.

  • Reassign values within subsets of a DataFrame.

  • Create a copy of a DataFrame.

  • Query / select a subset of data using a set of criteria using the following operators: ==, !=, >, <, >=, <=.

  • Locate subsets of data using masks.

  • Describe bool objects in Python and manipulate data using bools.

In the first episode of this lesson, we read a CSV file into a pandas’ DataFrame. We learned how to:

In this lesson, we will explore ways to access different parts of the data using:

Loading our data

We will continue to use the waves dataset that we worked with in the last episode. If you need to, reopen and read in the data again:

# Make sure pandas is loaded
import pandas as pd

# Read in the wave CSV
waves_df = pd.read_csv("data/waves.csv")

Indexing and Slicing in Python

We often want to work with subsets of a DataFrame object. There are different ways to accomplish this including: using labels (column headings), numeric ranges, or specific x,y index locations.

Selecting data using Labels (Column Headings)

We use square brackets [] to select a subset of a Python object - this is the same whether it’s a list, a NumPy ndarray, or a Pandas DataFrame. For example, we can select all data from a column named buoy_id from the waves_df DataFrame by name. There are two ways to do this:

# TIP: use the .head() method we saw earlier to make output shorter
# Method 1: select a 'subset' of the data using the column name

# Method 2: with Pandas, we can also use the column name as an 'attribute' if
# it's a single word, and this gives the same output

# These also give the same output:

We can also create a new object that contains only the data within the buoy_id column as follows:

# Creates an object, waves_buoy, that only contains the `buoy_id` column
waves_buoy = waves_df['buoy_id']

We can pass a list of column names too, as an index to select columns in that order. This is useful when we need to reorganize our data.

NOTE: If a column name is not contained in the DataFrame, an exception (error) will be raised.

# Select the buoy and plot columns from the DataFrame
waves_df[['buoy_id', 'record_id']]

# What happens when you flip the order?
waves_df[['record_id', 'buoy_id']]

# What happens if you ask for a column that doesn't exist?

Python tells us what type of error it is in the traceback, at the bottom it says KeyError: 'Bbuoys' which means that Bbuoys is not a valid column name (nor a valid key in the related Python data type dictionary).


The Python language and its modules (such as Pandas) define reserved words that should not be used as identifiers when assigning objects and variable names. Examples of reserved words in Python include the bool values True and False, operators and, or, and not, among others. The full list of reserved words for Python version 3 is provided at

When naming objects and variables, it’s also important to avoid using the names of built-in data structures and methods. For example, a list is a built-in data type. It is possible to use the word ‘list’ as an identifier for a new object, for example list = ['apples', 'oranges', 'bananas']. However, you would then be unable to create an empty list using list() or convert a tuple to a list using list(sometuple).

Extracting Range based Subsets: Slicing


Python uses 0-based indexing.

Let’s remind ourselves that Python uses 0-based indexing. This means that the first element in an object is located at position 0. This is different from other tools like R and Matlab that index elements within objects starting at 1.

# Create a list of numbers:
a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

indexing diagram slicing diagram

Challenge - Extracting data

  1. What value does the code below return?

  2. How about this:

  3. In the example above, calling a[5] returns an error. Why is that?

  4. What about?



  1. a[0]` returns 1, as Python starts with element 0 (this may be different from what you have previously experience with other languages e.g. MATLAB and R)
  2. a[5] raises an IndexError
  3. The error is raised because the list a has no element with index 5: it has only five entries, indexed from 0 to 4.
  4. a[len(a)] also raises an IndexError. len(a) returns 5, making a[len(a)] equivalent to a[5]. To retreive the final element of a list, use the index -1, e.g.

Slicing Subsets of Rows in Python

Slicing using the [] operator selects a set of rows and/or columns from a DataFrame. To slice out a set of rows, you use the following syntax: data[start:stop]. When slicing in pandas the start bound is included in the output. The stop bound is one step BEYOND the row you want to select. So if you want to select rows 0, 1 and 2 your code would look like this:

# Select rows 0, 1, 2 (row 3 is not selected)

The stop bound in Python is different from what you might be used to in languages like Matlab and R.

# Select the first 5 rows (rows 0, 1, 2, 3, 4)

# Select the last element in the list
# (the slice starts at the last element, and ends at the end of the list)

Pandas also recognises the step parameter:

# return every other row in the first ten rows

We can also reassign values within subsets of our DataFrame.

But before we do that, let’s look at the difference between the concept of copying objects and the concept of referencing objects in Python.

Copying Objects vs Referencing Objects in Python

Let’s start with an example:

# Using the 'copy() method'
true_copy_waves_df = waves_df.copy()

# Using the '=' operator
ref_waves_df = waves_df

You might think that the code ref_waves_df = waves_df creates a fresh distinct copy of the waves_df DataFrame object. However, using the = operator in the simple statement y = x does not create a copy of our DataFrame. Instead, y = x creates a new variable y that references the same object that x refers to. To state this another way, there is only one object (the DataFrame), and both x and y refer to it.

In contrast, the copy() method for a DataFrame creates a true copy of the DataFrame.

Let’s look at what happens when we reassign the values within a subset of the DataFrame that references another DataFrame object:

# Assign the value `0` to the first three rows of data in the DataFrame
ref_waves_df[0:3] = 0

Let’s try the following code:

# ref_waves_df was created using the '=' operator

# true_copy_waves_df was created using the copy() function

# waves_df is the original dataframe

What is the difference between these three dataframes?

When we assigned the first 3 rows the value of 0 using the ref_waves_df DataFrame, the waves_df DataFrame is modified too. Remember we created the reference ref_waves_df object above when we did ref_waves_df = waves_df. Remember waves_df and ref_waves_df refer to the same exact DataFrame object. If either one changes the object, the other will see the same changes to the reference object.

However - true_copy_waves_df was created via the copy() function. It retains the original values for the first three rows.

To review and recap:

Inserting columns

You can insert a column of data by specifying a column name that doesn’t already exist and passing a list of the same length as the number of rows; e.g.

waves_df["new_column"] = range(0,2073)

Okay, that’s enough of that. Let’s create a brand new clean dataframe from the original data CSV file.

waves_df = pd.read_csv("data/waves.csv")

Slicing Subsets of Rows and Columns in Python

We can select specific ranges of our data in both the row and column directions using either label or integer-based indexing.

Our dataset has labels for columns, but indexes for rows.

To select a subset of rows and columns from our DataFrame, we can use the iloc method. For example, for the first 3 rows, we can select record_id, name, and date (columns 0, 2, and 3 when we start counting at 0), like this:

# iloc[row slicing, column slicing]
waves_df.iloc[0:3, [0,2,3]]

which gives the output

  record_id                             Name                Date
0         1  SW Isles of Scilly WaveNet Site    17/04/2023 00:00
1         2         Hayling Island Waverider    17/04/2023 00:00
2         3      Firth of Forth WaveNet Site    17/04/2023 00:00

Notice that we asked for a slice from 0:3. This yielded 3 rows of data. When you ask for 0:3, you are actually telling Python to start at index 0 and select rows 0, 1, 2 up to but not including 3.

Let’s explore some other ways to index and select subsets of data:

# Select all columns for rows of index values 0 and 10
waves_df.loc[[0, 10], :]

# What does this do?
waves_df.loc[0, ['buoy_id', 'record_id', 'Wave Height']]

# What happens when you type the code below?
waves_df.loc[[0, 10, 35549], :]

NOTE 1: with our dataset, we are using integers even when using loc because our DataFrame index (which is the unnamed first column) is composed of integers - but Pandas converts these to strings. If you had a column of strings that you wanted to index using labels, you need to convert that columun using the set_index function

NOTE 2: Labels must be found in the DataFrame or you will get a KeyError.

Indexing by labels loc differs from indexing by integers iloc. With loc, both the start bound and the stop bound are inclusive. When using loc, integers can be used, but the integers refer to the index label and not the position. For example, using loc and select 1:4 will get a different result than using iloc to select rows 1:4.

We can also select a specific data value using a row and column location within the DataFrame and iloc indexing:

# Syntax for iloc indexing to finding a specific data element
dat.iloc[row, column]

In this iloc example,

waves_df.iloc[2, 6]

gives the output


Remember that Python indexing begins at 0. So, the index location [2, 6] selects the element that is 3 rows down and 7 columns over (Tpeak) in the DataFrame.

It is worth noting that:


Passing a single integer when trying to index a dataframe will raise an error.

Similarly, direct indexing of rows is redundant with using loc, and will raise a KeyError if a single integer or list is used:

# produces an error - even though you might think it looks sensible

# instead, use this:
waves_df.loc[1:10, "buoy_id"]

# or
waves_df.iloc[1:10, 1]

the error will also occur if index labels are used without loc (or column labels used with it). A useful rule of thumb is the following:

Challenge - Range

  1. What happens when you execute:

    • waves_df[0:3]
    • waves_df[0]
    • waves_df[:4]
    • waves_df[:-1]
  2. What happens when you call:

    • waves_df.iloc[0:3]
    • waves_df.iloc[0]
    • waves_df.iloc[:4, :]
    • waves_df.iloc[0:4, 1:4]
    • waves_df.loc[0:4, 1:4]
  • How are the last two commands different?



  • waves_df[0:3] returns the first three rows of the DataFrame:
   record_id  buoy_id                             Name              Date   Tz  ...  Temperature  Spread  Operations  Seastate  Quadrant
0          1       14  SW Isles of Scilly WaveNet Site  17/04/2023 00:00  7.2  ...         10.8    26.0        crew     swell      west
1          2        7         Hayling Island Waverider  17/04/2023 00:00  4.0  ...         10.2    14.0        crew     swell     south
2          3        5      Firth of Forth WaveNet Site  17/04/2023 00:00  3.7  ...          7.8    28.0        crew   windsea      east
[3 rows x 13 columns]

waves_df[0] results in a ‘KeyError’, since direct indexing of a row is redundant this way - iloc should be used instead (waves_df[0:1] could be used to obtain only the first row using this notation)

waves_df[:4] slices from the first row to the fourth:

   record_id  buoy_id                             Name              Date   Tz  ...  Temperature  Spread  Operations  Seastate  Quadrant
0          1       14  SW Isles of Scilly WaveNet Site  17/04/2023 00:00  7.2  ...         10.8    26.0        crew     swell      west
1          2        7         Hayling Island Waverider  17/04/2023 00:00  4.0  ...         10.2    14.0        crew     swell     south
2          3        5      Firth of Forth WaveNet Site  17/04/2023 00:00  3.7  ...          7.8    28.0        crew   windsea      east
3          4        3                 Chesil Waverider  17/04/2023 00:00  5.5  ...         10.2    48.0        crew     swell     south

waves_df[:-1] provides everything except the final row of a DataFrame. You can use negative index numbers to count backwards from the last entry.


waves_df.iloc[0:1] returns the first row waves_df.iloc[0] returns the first row as a named list waves_df.iloc[:4, :] returns all columns of the first four rows waves_df.iloc[0:4, 1:4] selects specified columns of the first four rows waves_df.loc[0:4, 1:4] results in a ‘TypeError’ - see below.

While iloc uses integers as indices and slices accordingly, loc works with labels. It is like accessing values from a dictionary, asking for the key names. Column names 1:4 do not exist, so the call to loc above results in an error. Check also the difference between waves_df.loc[0:4] and waves_df.iloc[0:4].

Subsetting Data using Criteria

We can also select a subset of our data using criteria. For example, we can select all rows that have a temperature less than or equal to 10 degrees

waves_df[waves_df.Temperature <= 10]

Which produces the following output:

    record_id    buoy_id                Name                Date     Tz    Peak Direction    Tpeak    Wave Height    Temperature    Spread    Operations    Seastate    Quadrant
3           4	         3    Chesil Waverider    17/04/2023 00:00    5.5             225.0      8.3           0.50          10.20      48.0          crew       swell       south
10         11          3    Chesil Waverider    15/04/2023 00:00    3.2             260.0      3.4           0.21           8.95      67.0          crew     windsea        west

Or, we can select all rows that have a buoy_id of 3:

waves_df[waves_df.buoy_id == 3]

We can also select all rows that do not contain values for Tpeak (listed as NaN):


Or we can select all rows that do not contain the buoy_id 3:

waves_df[waves_df.buoy_id != 3]

We can define sets of criteria too, for example selecting only waves with a height between 3.0 and 4.0 metres:

waves_df[(waves_df["Wave Height"] >= 3.0) & (waves_df["Wave Height"] < 4.0)]

Different types of and

In Python, we can normally use the keyword and for the boolean and operator:

x = True
y = True
x and y
x = True
y = False
x and y

But, in Pandas we need to use the & symbol instead. The and operator requires boolean values on both sides, but the boolean value of a Series is considered ambiguous, and trying to use and returns an error.

Python Syntax Cheat Sheet

We can use the syntax below when querying data by criteria from a DataFrame. Experiment with selecting various subsets of the “waves” data.

Challenge - Queries

  1. Select a subset of rows in the waves_df DataFrame that contain data from the year 2023 and that contain Temperature values less than or equal to 8. How many rows did you end up with? Tip #1: You can’t access attributes of a DateTime objects stored in a Series directly! Tip #2: you may want to create a new column containing the dates formatted as DateType that we created earlier!

  2. You can use the isin command in Python to query a DataFrame based upon a list of values as follows:


Use the isin function to find all plots that contain buoy ids 5 and 7 in the “waves” DataFrame. How many records contain these values?

  1. Experiment with other queries. e.g. Create a query that finds all rows with a Tpeak greater than or equal to 10.

  2. The ~ symbol in Python can be used to return the OPPOSITE of the selection that you specify in Python. It is equivalent to is not in. Write a query that selects all rows with Quadrant NOT equal to ‘south’ or ‘east’ in the “waves” data.


This is possible in one-line:

waves_df[(pd.to_datetime(waves_df.Date, format="%d/%m/%Y %H:%M").dt.year == 2023) & (waves_df["Temperature"] <= 8)]

First, we convert the Date column to objects of type Timestamp, then use the dt accessor object to get information about the dates. A series isn’t a Timestamp, so we can’t use the Timestamp attributes directly. If we wanted to save just the Year in a new column, we could do:

timestamps = pd.to_datetime(waves_df.Date, format="%d/%m/%Y %H:%M")
years = timestamps.dt.year
waves_df["Year"] = years
waves_df[(waves_df.Year == 2023) & (waves_df.Temperature <=8)]

And then we can see there are 2 rows which match this condition (don’t forget we can also use the len function)

   record_id  buoy_id                         Name              Date   Tz  Peak Direction  ...  Temperature  Spread  Operations  Seastate Quadrant  Year
2          3        5  Firth of Forth WaveNet Site  17/04/2023 00:00  3.7           115.0  ...         7.80    28.0        crew   windsea     east  2023
9         10        5  Firth of Forth WaveNet Site  15/04/2023 00:00  3.2           124.0  ...         7.35    23.0        crew   windsea     east  2023

[2 rows x 14 columns]
      record_id  buoy_id                         Name              Date   Tz  ...  Spread  Operations  Seastate  Quadrant  Year
1             2        7     Hayling Island Waverider  17/04/2023 00:00  4.0  ...    14.0        crew     swell     south  2023
2             3        5  Firth of Forth WaveNet Site  17/04/2023 00:00  3.7  ...    28.0        crew   windsea      east  2023
8             9        7     Hayling Island Waverider  15/04/2023 00:00  3.7  ...    31.0        crew   windsea      east  2023
9            10        5  Firth of Forth WaveNet Site  15/04/2023 00:00  3.2  ...    23.0        crew   windsea      east  2023
1071       1072        5  Firth of Forth WaveNet Site  16/02/2009 11:00  3.0  ...    30.0        crew   windsea      west  2009
...         ...      ...                          ...               ...  ...  ...     ...         ...       ...       ...   ...
1350       1351        5  Firth of Forth WaveNet Site  22/02/2009 06:30  2.6  ...    16.0        crew   windsea      west  2009
1351       1352        5  Firth of Forth WaveNet Site  22/02/2009 07:00  2.7  ...    16.0        crew   windsea      west  2009
1352       1353        5  Firth of Forth WaveNet Site  22/02/2009 07:30  2.7  ...    16.0        crew   windsea      west  2009
1353       1354        5  Firth of Forth WaveNet Site  22/02/2009 08:00  2.7  ...    12.0        crew   windsea      west  2009
1354       1355        5  Firth of Forth WaveNet Site  22/02/2009 08:30  2.8  ...    12.0        crew   windsea      west  2009

[288 rows x 14 columns]
waves_df[waves_df['Tpeak'] >= 10]
     record_id  buoy_id                             Name              Date   Tz  ...  Spread  Operations  Seastate  Quadrant  Year
0             1       14  SW Isles of Scilly WaveNet Site  17/04/2023 00:00  7.2  ...    26.0        crew     swell      west  2023
4             5       10                          M6 Buoy  17/04/2023 00:00  7.6  ...    89.0       no go     swell      west  2023
5             6        9                           Lomond  17/04/2023 00:00  4.0  ...     NaN        crew     swell     north  2023
6             7        2                     Cardigan Bay  17/04/2023 00:00  5.9  ...    18.0        crew     swell      west  2023
7             8       14  SW Isles of Scilly WaveNet Site  15/04/2023 00:00  7.2  ...    18.0        crew     swell      west  2023
...         ...      ...                              ...               ...  ...  ...     ...         ...       ...       ...   ...
2068       2069       16                 west of Hebrides  18/10/2022 16:00  6.1  ...    28.0        crew     swell     north  2022
2069       2070       16                 west of Hebrides  18/10/2022 16:30  5.9  ...    34.0        crew     swell     north  2022
2070       2071       16                 west of Hebrides  18/10/2022 17:00  5.6  ...    34.0        crew     swell     north  2022
2071       2072       16                 west of Hebrides  18/10/2022 17:30  5.7  ...    31.0        crew     swell     north  2022
2072       2073       16                 west of Hebrides  18/10/2022 18:00  5.7  ...    34.0        crew     swell     north  2022

[1985 rows x 14 columns]

Using masks to identify a specific condition

A mask can be useful to locate where a particular subset of values exist or don’t exist - for example, NaN, or “Not a Number” values. To understand masks, we also need to understand bool objects in Python.

Boolean values are either True or False. For example,

# Set x to 5
x = 5

# What does the code below return?
x > 5

# How about this?
x == 5

When we ask Python whether x is greater than 5, it returns False. This is Python’s way to say “No”. Indeed, the value of x is 5, and 5 is not greater than 5.

To create a boolean mask:

Let’s try this out. Let’s identify all locations in the wave data that have null (missing or NaN) data values. We can use the isnull method to do this. The isnull method will compare each cell with a null value. If an element has a null value, it will be assigned a value of True in the output object.


A snippet of the output is below:

    record_id    buoy_id     Name     Date       Tz    Peak Direction    Tpeak    Wave Height    Temperature    Spread    Operations    Seastate    Quadrant
0       False      False    False    False    False             False    False          False          False     False         False       False       False
1       False      False    False    False    False             False    False          False          False     False         False       False       False
2       False      False    False    False    False             False    False          False          False     False         False       False       False

To select the rows where there are null values, we can use the mask as an index to subset our data as follows:

# To select just the rows with NaN values, we can use the 'any()' method

Note that the Temperature and other columns of our DataFrame contains many null or NaN values. Remember we’ve disucssed ways of dealing with this in the previous episode on Data Types and Formats.

As we saw earlier, we can run isnull on a particular column too. What does the code below do?

# What does this do?

Let’s take a minute to look at the statement above. We are using the bool array pd.isnull(waves_df['Temperature']) as an index to waves_df. We are asking Python to select rows that have a NaN value of Temperature.

Challenge - Putting it all together

  1. Create a new DataFrame that only contains observations with Operations values that are not crew or survey. Print the number of rows in this new DataFrame. Verify the result by comparing the number of rows in the new DataFrame with the number of rows in the waves DataFrame where Site Type is No Go.

  2. Create a new DataFrame that contains only observations from the Chesil Waverider or Hayling Island Waverider buoys, and where the wave height is less than 50 cm.

  3. Create a new DataFrame that contains only observations that are of Quadrant north or west and where Tpeak values are greater than 10.


# 1.
  ~waves_df["Operations"].isin(["crew", "survey"])

# 2.
  waves_df.Name.isin(["Chesil Waverider", "Hayling Island Waverider"]) &
  (waves_df['Wave Height'] < 0.5)

# 3.
  waves_df.Quadrant.isin(["north", "west"]) &
  (waves_df.Tpeak > 10)

# Alternative for 3.
waves_df[(waves_df["buoy_id"].isin([3,7])) & (waves_df["Wave Height"] < 0.5)]

Key Points

  • In Python, portions of data can be accessed using indices, slices, column headings, and condition-based subsetting.

  • Python uses 0-based indexing, in which the first element in a list, tuple or any other data structure has an index of 0.

  • Pandas enables common data exploration steps such as data indexing, slicing and conditional subsetting.