This lesson is being piloted (Beta version)

Data Analysis and Visualization in Python using Pandas: ESCES Intermediate Course: About Contributors

The materials in this python-ecology-lesson repository were initially developed and adapted and continue to be revised by many contributors. Some of the lessons were adapted from Software Carpentry materials.

The first Python Data Carpentry workshop was run at University of Miami on March 30 2015 John Gosset and Francois Michonneau. During this time materials were refined and they presented again at the UCAR Software Engineering Assembly (SEA) conference in Boulder, Colorado by Leah Wasser (NEON,Inc) and Mariela Perignon.


Data is from the paper S. K. Morgan Ernest, Thomas J. Valone, and James H. Brown. 2009. Long-term monitoring and experimental manipulation of a Chihuahuan Desert ecosystem near Portal, Arizona, USA. Ecology 90:1708.

Excel data is from the paper Bahlai, C.A., Schaafsma, A.W., Lagos, D., Voegtlin, D., Smith, J.L., Welsman, J.A., Xue, Y., DiFonzo, C., Hallett, R.H., 2014. Factors inducing migratory forms of soybean aphid and an examination of North American spatial dynamics of this species in the context of migratory behavior. Agriculture and Forest Entomology. 16, 240-250.

Master_suction_trap_data_list_uncleaned.csv is a pre-cleaning version of a publicly available dataset by David Voegtlin, Doris Lagos, Douglas Landis and Christie Bahlai, available at


The current list of lessons.

Note: these lessons were reorganized, cleaned up and developed further by Leah Wasser, Mariela Perignon, John Gosset and François Michonneau in April 2015.